Civil Aviation Service
The Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for regulating, licensing and providing air traffic services in the flight region of Magnesia and Nea Anchialos Airport for the management and development of the Airport, the conclusion of bilateral aviation agreements with third countries and the provision of aeronautical information.
Some of the main responsibilities of the Department are the safety of flights (licensing crews and engineers, airworthiness, flight operations), the implementation of the Programme on Civil Aviation Safety and the implementation of the relevant acquis communautaire in the field of air transport.
It is also responsible for the full implementation of the Civil Aviation Law (N.213 (I) / 2002) which has been adopted according to the European Union directives on air transport.
The adoption and implementation of the European acquis is a continuous process. For this reason, the Department closely monitors legislative developments in the EU in order to be able to apply directly the new Regulations and Instructions issued.
The Civil Aviation Department is currently implementing a programme for the Restructuring of its Structure and Services with the help of foreign experts for the better accomplishment of its objectives and mission.
As a first and immediate step to fulfil obligations provided by regulations of the European Commission, Air Traffic Control Services have been separated from the Services of the National Regulatory Authority whose organization and staffing is done with the help of EUROCONTROL, the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation.